Thanksgiving! Snap! Crackle! Pop!
How was Thanksgiving? And
Black Friday shopping? What did you get? Man.. that was fun last year!!
I got to play in the Turkey Bowl on Thanksgiving, and that was
freaking fun!!!!! I was incredibly sore for the rest of the week, but that is
I definitely ate my Rice Crispi’s because I was Snap, Crackling,
and poppin’ all week!!!!
Now that I think of it, I would have brought my camera and took
pictures, but I forgot. Dang! The party at the school looked fun. For
Thanksgiving we had two dinners.............. that was pretty awful! And
yesterday we had two.... that was also pretty bad! The food was great, but
man!! Still awesome tho! And we got to watch Saratov Approach... probably not
the best show to watch on a mission, for obiouse reasons, but what
It is December and like 2 days ago it was 85. You could say I am
doing fine!
We are sharing and doing everything we can to get “He Is The
Gift" out in the public! The church, on December 7th, has bought
the front add on YouTube for the day to advertise. They are expecting it to be
veiwed by 250 million people. Because of him of 5 million.... so get on
and share it on you social media do everything you can to get it out!!!!!!!
This work will go on boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated
EVERY continent, visited every climb and sounded in EVERY EAR till the great
Jehovah shall say the work is done. This work will go on. God’s
kingdom will be build.
We live in the fullness of times. Signs are happening,
prophesies are being fulfilled and scriptures are coming to pass. We will never
out number the unbelievers. In fact, we will be as but a small group in the
perspective of things.
In the Book of Mormon we see this happen. In the end of Helaman-beginning
of 3rd Nephi, the saints all had to gather in a city and they defeated the
Gadianton Robbers… though they are way outnumbered.
Light will always overcome darkness. God will always win, and
wickedness never was happiness. I am so grateful for the gospel. For allowing
me to look at things with a eternal perspective. God put us here on earth at
this time because he knew that we could handle it. God will never give us
anything that we can’t handle. But he gives us everything we cant do by ourselves.
Anyway, I love you all. I am out of time.
O, be wise, what can I say more?
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