Monday, December 15, 2014

Derrick's Letter 12.15.14

So much for the 12 Days of Christmas:( UPS said the package was delivered to Derrick last week...but unfortunately...Derrick still hasn't seen it:(

Cool Nancy! Ha! Do you get to drive that super cute van? It is weird to think that you are 16? I did get you something. I will be going to the store right after this and picking up some stuff for you all and will send it out soon. Hope you have a great day!  

Hahahaha! Well, i guess the Lord wants me here again. I will be here for another 6 weeks. I have some really mixed emotions. I thought, for sure, I was leaving. But I am not. I am super happy to be able to be with this ward for Christmas.  Hahaha! These wards are great! The members are doing really well. Also, they are all very supportive and trying to do missionary work! But the only problem is... is that we are in a wealthy area in AZ…. and agency:/ We have worked through every part of the area book. And so everything we have right now is just all on us, and finding. Very hard when no one is outside, and they highly recommend not to track. Even if we did track, we would go through both wards in 1 week. In a big dilemma now. 

On a good note: We thought for sure it was my last week here, so I told Robert it was, and he and his daughter Skyler came to church!! It was incredible. He also came to the ward party the night before, and he got to meet a lot of members, and he had a great time!!!! We are seeing a lot of progress with him and Skyler, and that is what I am here for! I am here for Robert and his family!! That is good, and I am excited for that.  Other than that, there has not been anything that is new.

The weather out here is perfect though! During the day it is in the high 60-70’s. That is really nice!

On another note: I do need to know when we are wanting to FaceTime on Christmas? That would be nice to know. I am pretty open to a time. We will just have to go to a church building, and I will use my iPad. Ha! Pretty cool. 

I hope you all have a great week! Congrats, Dad, with your school!!!!.. and SLC!! Ha! Cool! Cool! Talk to you soon!!!! Can’t wait!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Finding True Happiness 12.8.14

This week what pretty normal. Ha! Other than Tuesday… We had a zone conference. That was pretty cool. And for the first time in my mission, I was pretty sick! Nothing to worry about. I am fine now, just had to stay in 2 days... Worst ever! There is only so much sleep you can get....

My companion is not taller than me? Why? But, on the flip side,  I was able to read a talk about the Great Apostasy and how throughout the course of time, people have done the best they could with all the knowledge they had to do the will of their Father. But, nonetheless, over 1800 years things have gone wayward in the world of religion. Without the direct connection with God we are just relying on the wisdom of man.

I keep reading in the Book Of Mormon around 3rd Nephi. And I keep seeing the things that happened right before Christ came the first time happening again today!! We live in an exciting time. Where the fullness of the truth is on the earth. It has been restored just like many prophecies  have told us. This is the day and time where the best of the best have been saved to come to earth. To see if we will accept what the Lord has given us. To see if we will follow Him no matter what our background is.

God knew what you could handle. And he will never give you anything you cant handle. I cant begin to tell you how much I have learned in this short period of time! The only smart thing you can do is to follow God. And we can’t pick and choose what commandments we follow... If you follow God... you follow Him in everyway you can. You can’t follow two masters. This is something that I have been learning by seeing people. Good people. But they only want to follow when it is easy, and in their favor, and convenient. 

The bottom line is, we are all looking for happiness. Jesus Christ (our brother and Savior) came and showed us how. He lived a perfect life. He never once did anything that was not to follow his father.              

So, how are we supposed to find happiness by disobeying our father? By not keeping his commandments? It simply doesnt add up. The only way to be happy is to follow Christ. To walk as he walked and to listen to our prophet! He is the mouthpiece for God!!!!!

Anyway, I know this church is true and that Jesus stands at the head of this church! Take Moroni's promise serious. Pray to gain a testimony, or pray to strengthen your testimony often! I do daily. I promise you will never regret following the light!

This car was out side. A guy we street contacted. Looks sick. Sorry it was dark. Ha!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving! Snap! Crackle! Pop!

How was Thanksgiving?  And Black Friday shopping? What did you get? Man.. that was fun last year!!

I got to play in the Turkey Bowl on Thanksgiving, and that was freaking fun!!!!! I was incredibly sore for the rest of the week, but that is ok!
I definitely ate my Rice Crispi’s because I was Snap, Crackling, and poppin’ all week!!!!

Now that I think of it, I would have brought my camera and took pictures, but I forgot. Dang! The party at the school looked fun. For Thanksgiving we had two dinners.............. that was pretty awful! And yesterday we had two.... that was also pretty bad! The food was great, but man!! Still awesome tho! And we got to watch Saratov Approach... probably not the best show to watch on a mission,  for obiouse reasons, but what evs. 

It is December and like 2 days ago it was 85. You could say I am doing fine!

We are sharing and doing everything we can to get “He Is The Gift" out in the public! The church, on December 7th, has bought the front add on YouTube for the day to advertise. They are expecting it to be veiwed by 250 million people.  Because of him of 5 million.... so get on and share it on you social media do everything you can to get it out!!!!!!! This work will go on boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated EVERY continent, visited every climb and sounded in EVERY EAR till the great Jehovah shall say the work is done. This work will go on. God’s kingdom will be build.

We live in the fullness of times. Signs are happening, prophesies are being fulfilled and scriptures are coming to pass. We will never out number the unbelievers. In fact, we will be as but a small group in the perspective of things. 

In the Book of Mormon we see this happen. In the end of Helaman-beginning of 3rd Nephi, the saints all had to gather in a city and they defeated the Gadianton Robbers… though they are way outnumbered.

Light will always overcome darkness. God will always win, and wickedness never was happiness. I am so grateful for the gospel. For allowing me to look at things with a eternal perspective. God put us here on earth at this time because he knew that we could handle it. God will never give us anything that we can’t handle. But he gives us everything we cant do by ourselves.

Anyway, I love you all.  I am out of time.
O, be wise, what can I say more?


Elder Dawes